News | Prince William County Economic Development

Maximize Potential, Accelerate Results

Written by Prince William County | Dec 21, 2022

This column originally appeared on PWCDED Executive Director Christina Winn’s LinkedIn profile

I struggle with stepping away from my work at the end of the year. For me, this is a time to take stock of our wins and reframe our vision for the year ahead. I am energized by the shift toward strategic long-term recovery and solid investment across Virginia.

Yet as I step into my role as president of the Virginia Economic Developers Association (VEDA) in 2023, it seems fitting that our association’s theme this year is Maximize Potential, Accelerate Results

Economic development professionals have spent a considerable amount of their time providing relief to our business communities. We have given our everything to establish programs and offer creative solutions to keep business doors open and people employed.

But we need to take care of ourselves so that we can do our jobs better. Cultivating our potential will help us achieve greater results in our personal and professional lives, in our organizations, and in our communities.

By exploring new topics, such as prioritizing projects with limited resources, personalizing work-life balance, and managing hybrid environments, I think associations like VEDA can help professionals combat the burnout and fatigue that the everyday pressures of this work can enact on our bodies and minds.

I truly believe VEDA is one of the most important organizations that anyone related to the economic development profession can join, and my hope is that we will add new content, professional development, and special speakers. But I know not all the best ideas are my ideas. Which is why I want to hear from VEDA members! If you are not a member yet, please join us and be part of these discussions.

We are driving Virginia forward, and I hope you are ready for the ride ahead – together. See you in 2023!